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Virgin Organic Coconut Oil For Natural Hair

By 7:23:00 PM , , , , , , , ,

Price: About $15
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Coconut oil is used in cooking and to moisturize hair. Because the makeup of coconut oil is similar to the scalp's sebum, it can actually moisturize the hair strand instead of just being a sealer. It's also good for those with dry scalp issues.

Ingredients (Whole Food's brand):
Expeller pressed virgin organic coconut oil

Coconut oil was something I always used in my hair when I first big chopped. My hair loves it and soaks it up. It also adds great shine to my hair.

For my scalp issues it didn't help. At the time I wasn't aware that unlike the average Black person my scalp was actually oily, not dry. Massaging my scalp with coconut oil made my problem worse.

I stopped using coconut oil because when the temperature would drop below 70 degrees, it would solidify in my hair. You could see little white specks all over and it wasn't very flattering.

If you want to use coconut oil, you might want to change it up in the cooler seasons.

Also, it is a bit pricey so as a precaution I don't recommend using it directly from the jar. Get a little plastic jar from the beauty supply store and pour some oil in that for use in your hair. If your hair or scalp doesn't do well with coconut oil, you'll still have a sterile jar that you can use for cooking. I also take a tablespoon of coconut oil daily to get good fats in my diet.

Bottom Line:

Versatile oil that's great for dry hair and dry scalp. Not so great for use in cooler weather since it solidifies in your hair.

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