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Eco Styler Gel: Moroccan Argan Oil VS Olive Oil

By 10:55:00 AM , , , , , , , , , , ,

Pros of both
Maximum Hold
Great value
No flaking (in my hair)
Nice, light smell

Cons of both
Can leave the hair feeling hard

So what's the difference between these two gels? Well the ingredients list is exactly the same except for the oils so there's no dramatic difference between the two. In my hair, both gels work just fine for sleek ponytails and curl definition.

In other comparisons, there's strong claims that one gel holds better than the other, but obviously this is something that simply depends on your hair. What may hold better for one person may not be sufficient for the next person. There's also a few who say that the argan oil gel flakes less compared to the olive oil gel.

I personally think the olive oil gel holds just a little better but overall they're the same. I have not experienced flaking with either gel.

Bottom Line:

It's a tie, but depending on your hair one may hold a little better than the other.

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