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Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse VS Baking Soda Deep Cleanse

By 1:54:00 PM , , , , , , , , , 

ACV Rinse Pros
Simple Recipe

ACV Rinse Cons
Didn't work

The Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse didn't do anything for my scalp or my hair. My scalp was still just as oily as before and my hair still had product in it. Other people have used the rinse and their hair was stripped, but not in my case.

Baking Soda Cleanse Pros
Simple Recipe
Got the build up out of my hair

Baking Soda Cleanse Cons
It was uncomfortable the do this in the bathroom sink lol

When I did the cleanse I could see the residue and flakes from my locs in the mixture. After washing and conditioning my hair, it was a lot shiner and healthier. The cleanse removed the bit of product build up that I had in my locs.

I can't judge on how it cleansed my scalp since it was done in the sink and it was difficult to clean. It removed a bit of oil but not a significant amount.

Either way, it was still a lot more effective than the ACV Rinse and I plan to do it once or twice a year.

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