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Finger Detangling VS A Wide Toothed Comb

By 12:41:00 PM , , , , , , , , ,

Finger Detangling Pros
A lot gentler than using a comb

Finger Detangling Cons
Couldn't get all shed hair out
Hair doesn't stay detangled while working other sections
Takes too long

Wide Toothed Comb Pros
Gets most of the shed hairs out
Easier and quicker than finger detangling

Wide Toothed Comb Cons
Greater possibility of breakage

I tried finger detangling my hair after my big chop. I can honestly say that it's not for me. My hair is too dense and I wasn't able to get all of the shed hairs that were stuck in my fro. It was too time consuming for me for poor results. I've also made my hair even more tangled once.

For my hair it's a lot better to use a wide toothed comb and just be gentle with it. The amount of shed hair I remove from my hair each week is just too much to try to do with my fingers. I've also found that my hair is a lot sleeker and my curls are more defined when I use a comb.

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