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Coconut Oil VS Africa's Best Oil

By 11:48:00 PM , , , , , , , , , ,

Coconut Oil Pros
Can actually moisturize hair
Gives the hair great shine

Coconut Oil Cons
Can solidify in your hair when it's cold
A bit pricey

Coconut oil is one of the few oils that can actually moisturize your hair instead of just sealing it. It's very versatile and gives great shine to the hair. For people with dry scalp issues, it could help tremendously.
The only issue is with coconut oil is that you can really only use it when the weather is warm. When it's below 70 degrees, it can solidify in your hair and there will be white specks all in you hair.

Africa's Best Oil Pros
Great sealer
Gives the hair a great shine

Africa's Best Oil Cons
Strong smell that some may not like

This oil blend works well as a sealer, and for a hot oil treatment. It cannot moisturize your hair like coconut oil, but it will seal in the moisture you've provided from your leave in conditioner. It provides great shine to your hair, especially if you've applied it before a twist-out or braid-out.

So which should you use? You should use both! You can use coconut oil in the warmer months and use the Africa's Best oil during the rest of the year. Some people also use coconut oil and then apply sealer oils like Africa's Best.

For the purpose of treating a dry scalp and moisturizing the hair, coconut oil wins. For sealing in moisture and for hot oil treatments, Africa's Best wins. But you can get the full benefits by using both in your regimen.

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